Home Networking & WiFi Optimisation

According to research by Deloitte, more than half of all Australians own a tablet, laptop and smart phone. The ACMA says there are 2.2 TVs for every household in Australia. The ABS says that almost three quarters of households have broadband access. Nielsen’s Australian Multi-Screen Report says that increasingly, people of all ages are upping their screen time. That doesn’t just mean TV and movies – it’s everything from emailing and Skyping to research and education.

Boutique Technologies Data & Networking Solutions

Chances are, you’ve got one or two internet-connected devices per person in your home. If you’ve got kids, or if you work from home, you may have several devices per person. All running at the same time. To get the most of your devices, and the internet connection you’re paying for, meshed wireless networking is a must-have.
The term ‘networking’ means the way in which all your devices, including PCs, are connected. When devices are connected, you can share information and content in real time, without having to download or switch devices. For example, you can share movies from your computer to your smart TV. Or, you can access important work files when the device you created them on is unavailable.
If you’re planning on automating your home, networking is one of the first things you’ll discuss with your consultants. It’s essential infrastructure for connecting your phone, tablet or other user interface with the physical components that control your blinds, lighting, music, air conditioning, and other automated sub systems.
Boutique Technologies has networking specialists on staff, ready to respond to your household’s technical needs and preferences. All our systems are designed from scratch, so no matter the size of your system or your capacity demands, you’ll be well looked after. Our installers use the finest components from local and international distributors, tested under extreme conditions to ensure it can withstand even the heartiest of regular use.