Lighting Control Systems

A Lighting Control System provides you the convenience to manage your entire home lighting from the press of a button. You can raise or dim lighting of individual rooms or the whole house, create automated schedules to suit your daily life, even have lighting respond automatically to how you live. We will work with the home owner to design a custom schedule and program to meet their needs. For example, with “welcome home” lighting, you can enter the home safely illuminated. Whilst on holiday, "away from home" lighting can make your home appear occupied with a natural lighting schedule to deter theft. Boutique Technologies provides you with sophisticated lighting control, all from a simple to use device such as your iPhone or iPad.

Energy Management

Lighting Control Systems will reduce energy consumption and save you money. Boutique Technologies will evaluate the needs of your home and employ a range of technologies to improve energy efficiency whilst also ensuring the optimal illumination in every room. From ensuring lighting is switched off as you exit rooms, to reducing consumption through linking lighting to automated blinds and shutters, we can design best-in-class lighting systems for your home.

Security & Peace of mind

Our lighting control systems can be programmed for a range of security capabilities. Prefer to enter a brightly lit home? Programme the lights to turn on as your car returns home. Heard a strange sound at night? Toggle all home lighting at the press of a button from your bedside. Whilst you are on holidays, you can utilise a smart lighting control system to replicate your normal lighting habits, which will deter visitors by making your home look occupied.

Simple & Intuitive Control

Your lighting control is accessed through your smart device such as an iPad where you find all other smart home control systems. Along with other systems such as AV control, security, door access control, heating & cooling, you have full control of your home at the touch of a button. And best of all, our systems are so simple, there will be no requirement to study long, exhaustive manuals. We’ll provide you initial support and then everything can be controlled DIY, from anywhere in the world!